July 16 2024

How to set up Oxylabs proxy with ixBrowser

 is an anti-detect browser that helps users manage their multiple accounts more easily and safety.

Oxylabs is an industry-leading proxy and web scraping solution service fueled by strong business ethics and innovation.

In this article, we will show you how to set up
 proxies with ixBrowser step-by-step.

Step 1. Download, install, register and open the app.

Step 2. Click Create Profile

Step 3. Under Proxy Configuration page, click Custom, choose HTTP, and fill in the details:

Proxy Type: HTTP

Proxy Host: pr.oxylabs.io

Port: 7777

Proxy Account: customer-username

Proxy Password: password

Step 4. Click Proxy Detection button to check the proxy, if everything is fine, click Confirm to complete creation

That's it! You can now launch the browser by clicking Open button in Profile List.

June 27 2024

Capsolver: The Best Solution of reCAPTCHA


In the digital era, CAPTCHAs, or Completely Automated Public Turing tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart, have become a common sight. We encounter them on nearly every website as a tool to differentiate genuine human users from bots and automated programs. Despite their security benefits, CAPTCHAs often create obstacles for legitimate users by causing interruptions and adding friction to their online experience.

Google's reCAPTCHA is one of the most prevalent CAPTCHA services, utilized by millions of websites. It challenges users with tasks such as selecting images, clicking checkboxes, or solving text or image puzzles. As Google continually updates reCAPTCHA to thwart bots, these updates also make it increasingly challenging to solve reCAPTCHAs programmatically.

For businesses and developers involved in web automation, having a reliable method to solve reCAPTCHAs is essential. Capsolver, a pioneer in using artificial intelligence to bypass CAPTCHAs, has emerged as the leading reCAPTCHA solving service. Let's delve into what makes Capsolver the top choice for overcoming reCAPTCHAs.

Comprehensive reCAPTCHA Coverage

Capsolver provides extensive support for all major versions of reCAPTCHA, including:

reCAPTCHA v2: The checkbox variant where users click on the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.
reCAPTCHA v2 Invisible: An invisible version that runs validation in the background without requiring user interaction.
reCAPTCHA v2 Enterprise: Designed for high-security sites, generating additional payload parameters to bypass the captcha.
reCAPTCHA v3: The latest variant that uses a score to predict whether traffic is from a human or a bot, requiring no user interaction.
reCAPTCHA v3 Enterprise: An enterprise version of v3 with advanced security, needing a score of 0.7 or higher to pass validation.
Capsolver stands out as one of the few services with expertise in all reCAPTCHA variants. Their AI engines are specifically tuned to handle the challenges presented by each version, enabling seamless automation of workflows that incorporate different types of reCAPTCHAs.

High Success Rates

Bypassing reCAPTCHAs involves emulating human behavior, and Capsolver excels in this domain with advanced algorithms that adapt to each new security measure introduced by reCAPTCHA. Their systems replicate human web interactions in detail, significantly enhancing success rates. Key capabilities include:

Sophisticated Computer Vision Algorithms: These accurately identify and select relevant images, objects, street signs, storefronts, etc., which is crucial for image and audio-based challenges.
Natural Language Processing: Techniques that analyze speech samples and generate accurate transcriptions for audio challenges.
Smart Browsers and Browser Automation: Realistically simulating mouse movements, clicks, scrolls, and other interactions.
Human-like Mouse Curves: Generating natural mouse movements instead of robotic linear patterns to avoid behavioral analysis.
Custom Machine Learning Models: Tailored for each reCAPTCHA version to dynamically adapt solutions.
Large Proxy Pools: Access to a diverse range of proxies in different geolocations to avoid detection.
Residential Rotating Proxies and Real Mobile IPs: Enhancing human-like appearance.

Capsolver’s AI continually learns from traffic patterns across millions of websites using reCAPTCHAs. This enables the system to dynamically optimize its solving algorithms in response to reCAPTCHA’s evolving security measures, resulting in industry-leading success rates across all reCAPTCHA variants.

Speed and Throughput

The speed at which reCAPTCHA responses are solved and returned is crucial for usability. Capsolver’s infrastructure is optimized for high-speed CAPTCHA solving without compromising success rates. Key strategies for achieving low latency include:

Geographically Distributed Data Centers: Solve nodes are deployed across various locations to reduce network delays.
Load Balancing: Tasks are distributed across thousands of solving servers to ensure efficiency.
Efficient Task Queuing and Parallel Processing: This allows for high throughput.
Caching Website Tokens and Metadata: Avoids the need for refetching.
Partially Solved Solutions: Enables rapid adaptation and completion.
Custom Hardware Tuning: Enhances the performance of AI models.

Capsolver’s speed is particularly notable in solving reCAPTCHA v3 enterprise CAPTCHAs. While most services take 20–30 seconds to solve these advanced CAPTCHAs, Capsolver can bypass them in under 5 seconds with high accuracy. This rapid solving speed is especially beneficial for latency-sensitive applications, significantly improving usability.

Reliability and Uptime

A CAPTCHA solver’s reliability directly impacts application uptime and availability. Even brief service disruptions can lead to invalid solutions and blocked workflows. Capsolver ensures high reliability through several measures:

Multi-Cloud Hosting: Infrastructure is hosted across AWS and Google Cloud, eliminating single points of failure. If one cloud service fails, the other continues to operate.
Automatic Scaling: New nodes are automatically added during high loads to provide additional capacity, preventing overload failures.
Comprehensive Monitoring: Alerts are generated if any component goes down, allowing for quick detection and resolution of issues.
High-Availability Load Balancers: Traffic is evenly distributed across available solve nodes, with redundancy protections in place.
Disaster Recovery Mechanisms: Built into every software component, ensuring no single software failure can bring down the system.
Industry-Leading Uptime: Capsolver achieved a 99.95% uptime in 2022, one of the highest in the industry.

Capsolver’s infrastructure is designed to meet the highest reliability standards, ensuring customers can rely on uninterrupted service availability.

Easy Integration

For developers and engineers, ease of integration and deployment is crucial when incorporating CAPTCHA solvers. Capsolver offers various mechanisms to enable seamless integration into business applications and workflows:

Language-Specific SDKs: Available for Python, Java, C#, Go, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, and more, making integration straightforward.
Code Examples and Documentation: Comprehensive resources to lower the learning curve for new users.
Browser Extensions: Compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and other browsers, allowing CAPTCHA solving on any webpage with simple configuration.
Automation Framework Integration: Guides for frameworks like Puppeteer, Playwright, Selenium, etc., simplifying the addition of CAPTCHA solving capabilities to test automation.
Proxy Service Support: Compatible with services like StealthProxy, Smartproxy, and others.
REST APIs: Provides responses in JSON format for easy parsing from any development platform or scripting language.
Webhook Support: Enables push-based solution delivery to your application asynchronously.

Capsolver abstracts the complexities of advanced CAPTCHA solving through simple programmatic interfaces. This allows developers to focus on their application logic while Capsolver seamlessly handles CAPTCHA challenges in the background.

Plan Flexibility

Capsolver offers a range of flexible plans to meet different customer needs:

Pay Per CAPTCHA Usage: Ideal for low to medium volume requirements, this plan charges only for valid solutions, making it a cost-effective option.
Monthly Packages: For high-volume needs, these packages offer tiered pricing with significant discounts compared to pay-per-usage plans.
Enterprise Pricing: Large organizations with very high CAPTCHA traffic can benefit from custom enterprise plans, offering substantial cost savings over regular pricing.
Private Solving Pool: For advanced security needs, private solving pools provide dedicated CAPTCHA-solving infrastructure isolated from other customers.
Proxy Service Integrations: Capsolver's solutions can be routed through supported proxy services like Brightdata, offering additional geo-targeting and anonymity.

Capsolver's sales engineers assist new customers in determining the ideal plan based on their specific requirements and budgets. Custom-tailored enterprise packages are available for large business accounts, ensuring a perfect fit for their needs.

Powerful Analytics

Capsolver offers comprehensive analytics insights for customers through its web dashboard and APIs:

Real-Time Statistics: Track solved CAPTCHAs, success rates, response times, and other key metrics in real time.
Detailed Metrics: Filter data by CAPTCHA type, geography, solving node, and more for precise analysis.
Failure Analysis: Identify high-failure domains and troubleshoot issues effectively.
Historical Charts: Analyze trends over time to gain insights into performance.
Configuration Management: Manage API keys, proxies, supported websites, and other settings.

The dashboard provides excellent visibility into API usage and solving patterns, enabling data-driven decisions. These analytics and tools help improve CAPTCHA success rates and overall performance.


June 18 2024

How to Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts?

Managing multiple social media accounts is a complex task that requires strategic planning, organization, and, most importantly, the right tools. Businesses, influencers, and individuals often juggle platforms like Facebook, X (Twitter), TikTok, Instagram, and more, each catering to different audiences and content needs. Efficiently managing these accounts is crucial for maintaining a consistent brand presence, engaging effectively with diverse audiences, and maximizing the impact of social media efforts.


To make things easier, we’ve gathered all the best practices, tips, and reviews of the most popular multi-accounting tools in one place. Grab your coffee and learn all the ins and outs of managing multiple accounts on social media.

What is social media multi-accounting?

Multi-accounting is handling several social media accounts simultaneously across various platforms. Multiple account management is an extremely popular practice among businesses, influencers, and digital marketers. Here are a few cases where multi-accounting is used:

  • Managing distinct brand identities. Businesses with multiple product lines or sub-brands use separate accounts to maintain clear and distinct brand identities, ensuring tailored content and messaging for each audience.

  • Targeting different audience segments. Companies target various demographic groups or geographical regions through separate accounts, allowing tailoring content offerings to each of the audience.

  • Running specialized campaigns. Marketers use different accounts to run specific campaigns simultaneously, such as promotions, contests, or seasonal events, without overlapping or confusing different audiences.

  • Separating customer service and marketing. Organizations often have dedicated accounts for customer service to handle inquiries and support issues separately from marketing and promotional activities.

  • Influencers managing diverse interests. Influencers with varied content themes, such as travel, fashion, and fitness, manage multiple accounts to effectively cater to each niche audience, ensuring focused and relevant content.


For example, a business might use different accounts to target distinct market segments or to separate customer service interactions from marketing efforts. Influencers may manage multiple accounts to reach international audiences in different languages.

The risks of managing multiple social media accounts

Managing multiple social media accounts presents several risks, including IP bans, account deactivation, and other platform-specific struggles that businesses and individuals must navigate carefully. 


A banned IP address is one of the most common risks associated with multi-accounting. Social media platforms have sophisticated algorithms to detect suspicious activity, such as managing multiple accounts from a single IP address. If the account is flagged, this can lead to a permanent IP address ban, preventing access to the accounts and disrupting various activities on the platform. Such a ban can halt campaigns, delay responses to customer inquiries, and ultimately harm the brand's online presence.


Another common risk is account deactivation. Social media platforms enforce strict guidelines to prevent spam while ensuring authentic content and engagement. Managing several accounts might trigger automated systems that flag these accounts for suspicious behavior, resulting in temporary or permanent deactivation. Imagine erasing an account with months or years of effort in building a following base!


There are other risks associated with violating platform-specific terms of service. Each social media site has unique rules and regulations, and unintentional breaches can lead to penalties ranging from reduced visibility, a.k.a. shadow ban, to suspension of advertising accounts. For example, automated posting through third-party tools or using bots for engagement are the most common reasons for shadow bans.


Moreover, using third-party management tools, while helpful, can also pose risks. These tools sometimes violate platform policies, leading to account restrictions or even IP address bans if detected. Relying on sketchy tools without thorough vetting can result in suspension of your account or even compromise of your personal data.

Tools for social media multi-accounting

While there are plenty of tools that offer an easier and safer way to manage multiple accounts on various social media platforms, most professionals rely on a helpful solution called proxies.


A proxy server is an intermediary that separates end users from the websites they access. It acts as a gateway between a user and the internet, routing requests through a different IP address.


Most popular proxy type for multi-accounting is residential proxies. As they originate from real desktop and mobile devices connected to local networks, social media platforms treat them as actual users, making it easier to bypass restrictions and avoid account suspension or IP bans.


With more users looking for trustworthy solutions to avoid CAPTCHAs, IP bans and blocks, or account suspension, more proxy providers have appeared on the market. We have gathered all the relevant information about the most popular providers to make things easier.

#1 Smartproxy

Smartproxy has been named the Best Value Provider by Proxyway for 4 years in a row. The provider offers a massive 55M+ IP pool with 195+ locations around the world and is surely the best choice for affordable residential, mobile, static residential (ISP), and datacenter proxies.


Smartproxy offers a quick setup through its user-friendly dashboard, a range of free tools, including X Browser for multiple browser profiles, and advanced integration guides with various third-party tools.


Users on

rated Smartproxy 4.7 and 4.6 stars, outlining 24/7 customer support, flexible pricing options, and time-saving features.


Key residential proxies metrics:

  • Success rate: 99.69%

  • Average response time: 0.54s

  • Protocol support: HTTP(S) and SOCKS5

  • IP quality: 32.72 – the best in the market

  • IP pool size: 55M+ in 195+ locations

  • Free trial: 3-day free trial

  • Price: from $2.2/GB


Try Smartproxy For Free Now

#2 Oxylabs

Oxylabs is known as the premium proxy provider, with over 100 million IP addresses across 195 locations. It’s a popular choice among companies that manage multiple social media accounts and need global coverage.


Along with residential, mobile, ISP, and datacenter proxies, Oxylabs also offers its users a convenient proxy manager app and extension.


Oxylabs has a 4.8 rating on

and a 4.5 rating on
, with reviews highlighting reliable residential proxy service and helpful customer support.


Key residential proxies metrics:

  • Success rate: 99.82%

  • Average response time: 0.41s

  • Protocol support: HTTP(S) and SOCKS5

  • IP quality: 38.98

  • IP pool size: 100M+ in 195+ locations

  • Free trial: 7-day free trial for verified companies

  • Price: from $4/GB

#3 Webshare

Webshare is a budget-friendly option for individuals and businesses managing multiple social media accounts. With a pool of over 30 million IPs across 195 countries, Webshare ensures a reliable connection to various targets, including the most popular social media platforms.


The provider offers datacenter, residential, and static residential proxies, and verified datacenter proxies.


Webshare has a 4.3-star rating on

, with users highlighting excellent proxy quality and fast customer support.


Key residential proxies metrics:

  • Success rate: 99.04%

  • Average response time: 1.67s

  • Protocol support: HTTPS and SOCKS5

  • IP quality: 47.94

  • IP pool size: 30M+ in 195+ countries

  • Free trial: 10 free proxies

  • Price: from $4.5/GB

Bottom line

Managing multiple social media accounts without facing CAPTCHAs, shadow bans, or even IP bans can be challenging. However, adding residential proxies to your toolbox can avoid restrictions without spending a fortune on advanced third-party multi-accounting platforms.


Here are three of the best residential proxy providers on the market we recommend checking out:

  • Smartproxy

  • Oxylabs

  • Webshare


But most importantly, remember to adhere to social media platform's terms of service, avoid sketchy automation bots, don’t spam other users, and you’ll be on the road to success!

June 12 2024

How to set up 9proxy with ixBrowser

What is

9Proxy offers a premium proxy service with over 9 million clean, non-blacklisted residential IPs from more than 90 countries, ensuring fast, secure, and highly anonymous browsing via HTTP/HTTPS and SOCKS5. Our unique pool offers unbeatable prices starting at $0.04/IP, alongside a distinctive proxy replacement policy and a "Today List" feature for optimal utility. Complemented by round-the-clock technical support, 9Proxy is the go-to solution for affordable and reliable proxy needs.

How to set up 9proxy with ixBrowser

Step 1: Download, launch the 9Proxy application and log in to your account.
Step 2: You fill in important information fields such as Country, State, ... and click on the magnifying glass icon next to search.

Step 3: Right click on the proxy you selected from the list, select “Port Forwarding To Proxy”, select the Port number (e.g. 60000) and click “Port Forwarding List” for more details about the proxy you just selected.

Step 4: Copy the proxy to prepare for installation.

Step 5: Launch the ixBrowser and log in to your account.
Step 6: At the main interface of the application, select "Create Profile".

Step 7: Select and fill in important information such as Platform, Profile Title, …

Step 8: Go to the "Proxy Configuration" tab, select the proxy type as SOCKS5.

Step 9: Paste the copied proxy, click "Proxy Detection" to test and click "Create" to complete.

Step 10: Click "Open" to start running. 

June 04 2024

MarsProxies and ixBrowser: Integration Tutorial

If you’ve been keeping up with our blog, you’re already familiar with anti-detect browsers. Solutions like
 enable you to take full control of the information websites gather about you. Your IP address, location, software, hardware - all this information (and more) is available to any web server you communicate with.

Anti-detect browsers enable you to modify your browser fingerprint and change all this information. As a result, you can create unique browser profiles and switch between them on a single device. This approach enables the user to manage multiple profiles on the same website or platform without being detected.

In this article, we’ll go over ixBrowser’s features and provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to set it up with MarsProxies.

What is MarsProxies

MarsProxies is a premium proxy service, focused on offering excellent features and performance at budget-friendly pricing. Ultra Residential proxies is the provider’s most popular product that offers over 1 million ethically sourced IPs in 195 countries, with precise geo-targeting (country, state, and city level), traffic that never expires, and fantastic bulk discounts.

In addition to Ultra Residential proxies, MarsProxies offers Datacenter, ISP, and Sneaker proxies, each with wide location coverage, daily options, and highly customizable plans (starting at just one proxy per order). Regardless of the options, users can expect excellent speeds, HTTPs + SOCKS5 support, and unlimited bandwidth.

MarsProxies caters to a wide range of tasks, making it suitable for businesses and individuals alike. Businesses can leverage their residential proxy pool for efficient and reliable web scraping, SEO research, social media management, and automation. On the other hand, individuals can benefit from high-speed Datacenter, ISP, and Sneaker proxies for content streaming, gaming, online shopping, and more.

What Does MarsProxies Offer?

If you prefer to use your own proxies, there’s nothing standing in your way. With MarsProxies, you can get:
  • 1M+ residential proxies worldwide (190+ countries)
  • Country, state, and city-level targeting at no extra cost
  • Never-expiring residential traffic
  • HTTP/S and SOCKS5 support
  • Rotating and sticky sessions (from 1 second to 7 days)

How to Use MarsProxies With ixBrowser

To get started, download the latest version of ixBrowser from the website. Launch it and sign up. Once you log in, you’ll be greeted with an introduction video. If this is your first time using an anti-detect browser, we strongly recommend you give it a watch. You can also head over to their
Tutorial page
 for more useful content.

Once the video ends, click the Create Profile (1) button to create your profile.

ixBrowser will warn you that you didn’t set up any proxies. You have three options here:
  • Purchased ProxyDynamic IP (rotating residential proxies)
  • Purchased PrxyStatic IP (static residential/ISP and datacenter proxies)
  • Continue to Create
Click on Continue to Create (2) and add our proxies manually.

In the Create Profile section, click on the Proxy Configuration tab (3). For Proxy Method, select Custom (4).

Now it’s time to open your MarsProxies dashboard and get your proxy credentials. We’ll use our Ultra
Residential proxies
 from Vancouver, Canada (5), with sticky sessions (6), SOCKS5 protocol (7), and session duration of 6 hours (8).

Once you configure your settings, get your credentials from the list (9). Each line here contains your hostname, port, username, and password.

Now it’s time to transfer this information into ixBrowser. Choose SOCKS5 as the Proxy Type (10). Copy an entire line from the MarsProxies dashboard. Paste it in the Proxy Host field (11) and ixBrowser will fill all the necessary fields automatically. If other aspects of your profile are set up, click the Create (12) button.

From the main menu, click the Open (13) button.

This will launch a browser window with your fingerprint settings and more information about your proxy.

Alternatively, you can visit a website like
 to confirm everything works correctly.

If everything looks okay, you’re ready to go!

Final Thoughts

Your browser fingerprint is only as reliable as the proxies you’re using. No matter which MarsProxies service you decide to use, you’ll be able to take advantage of ixBrowser without worrying about any restrictions.